Monday, April 7, 2014


Mist morphed into a soft and gentle rain on the morning walk (or should I say "very tentative stroll"  - still can't get used to being outside and mobile on my own two feet).  A neighbour's lichen-covered fence and shrubbery provides a kaleidescope of shades of green for the delectation and delight of anyone who cares to notice.


Les said...

Wonderful shot, and yes, very green. The green where I live is only very slowly emerging from the beige and gray. Glad you're beginning to get out.

sonia a. mascaro said...

So beautiful and so green photo!

mm said...

Thank you both. :-)

Jenny Woolf said...

You have caught a lovely shot with the green fence. Most people would just look at it and assume it's brown and grey but you used your eyes! :) Isn't the bright green wonderful at this time of year?

mm said...

Thank you Jenny! Yes, I love it.