So much rain. Through the window of the bus the summer foliage moves in and out of focus, the tracks of the raindrops on glass creating a hall of mirrors effect. A routine pause at a crossroads is transformed.
I'm not around here much at the moment. The absence is necessary but I miss my online world - especially reading other blogs. I'll catch up when I can.
What would you like to do long term, somone asks. Pieces of the answer are easy. Grow the massage work. Grow food and flowers. Develop a thicker skin and a peaceful heart. For the rest, I sit with with the question and strive for zen-like calm and insight. The snag is that I need to earn money.
I update the CV. When the answers don't come, do the footwork. And footwork can be surprisingly therapeutic.
Good luck with the income - and income that supports rather than interferes with your other goals. Hard to find that balance sometimes.
Too much rain at present!
I often feel I am not doing what I really want due to the need to earn money just to pay all the bills. I get angry, despondent, sad but then I realise I have to carry on and hope that one day things will change for the better. I hide a lot of myself away most of the time. I am sure you can understand.
Good luck with the job hunting.
Leslee: Thanks. Maybe it's not possible to get a permanent solution here - just one that works for a while ....
Stanitesky: Ach. Yes, I do understand. Wishing you well. At least sunny days are forecast for this weekend!
HHB: Thank you, and reciprocated in kind ....
Hopefully when Mars moves away from Saturn everything will seem less - (trying to find the right word) - 'stuck'.
Take care and enjoy the rest of the summer (albeit a rainy one!).
Thanks HH72. You too.
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